Rizq Education
RIZQ Educare Sdn. Bhd. is a community-centered company focusing on digital education spreading across all field.
As we believe that education and knowledge should be shared widely for the benefit of the community, we are committed to expanding our business core in multiple fields.
To this date, we penetrate into 5 sub-companies that cover 5 fields:
- Education
- Production
- Technical
- Health
- Humanitarian
Rizq Islamic School has been established since 2016 to meet the challenges in the current situation of the younger generation. It also provides state of the art equipment and facilities to help enhance children learning. It is a place where children feel challenged but competent.
Rizq Islamic School enables learners to acquire the key by providing the finest modern education programmes. Merging the Quranic knowledge with the National Curriculum along with modern technology.
What makes Rizq Islamic School bold is we are a fun based learning; RIS using the play-based learning in school’s pedagogy and curriculum. It savvy, because we incorporate learners development physical, cognitive, social and emotional with the use of technology. Also, we are an Islamic Modern School, it means that all the members of the school community are committed in nurturing our children to be the best contemporary Muslim that leads the world.
Us and, as always, we welcome you, our customer, partners, and part of our communities to share your opinions on where you think we are performing well and where we need to do more.
For as a company we have to be open and constantly evolving in order to successfully meet the challenges of the global economy. In 2017 we will continue to work at further strengthening this positive fundamental attitude and to use it as a driver to help accelerate our change. We will be guided in this by our vision of becoming the global leader focusing in pushing the expansion of economy and culture development of our mankind.